Tuesday, March 30, 2010

growing up to be a big boy.

Today as I was straightening my hair (as i rarely do)  I started having these crazy realizations come to me.  These are a few. 
one. I turn twenty one in one week-ish.
two. I am going to be a senior in college after this semester
three. I could technically go on a mission
four. the whole mission thing freaks me out.
five. In approx. a year I will be graduating college.
six.  Now as I am SUPER stoked about graduating...kinda freaks me out. because. that means that I, chelsea, am actually going to be at the stage of when all of our teachers and friends asked us "what do you want to be when you grow up?" yes, i have always answered "a teacher." And now I am actually going to be fufilling my dream and will be a elementary teacher. weird.
seven. I turn twenty one next week--yes i realized that i mentioned this already... but it is still very odd to me.
eight. If I don't get these cute braces off I will be having a new drivers licence pic with this sweet grill of mine.
nine. as I am typing this, I have realized that i rarely use the "Shift" key. ha! I rely on good ol Microsoft Word to do it for me.
ten.  my only friends oh wait friend that i really keep in touch with from high school is good ol rash bal. haha not like I sincerely care, but it's just weird how once you graduate and move to different towns you really do drift apart.  but the good news is I have an awesome family and loads of roommates that get to see my face everyday:) 
eleven. I feel that what I have written is quite sufficient.

I would love to go back to being a kid where whatever I wore was considered adorable and cute. and I didn't have to pay any bills!  However I totally love my life:)

Now that is a sweet outfit!

1 comment:

  1. your past wardrobe is the only reason that I legitimately still hang out with you. I keep hoping that you'll revert back to your once promising fashion choices...but nay, it hasn't happened. Totally hear ya on the growing up thing though, freaks every bone in my body. Oh, and when you turn 21 we can go get sloshed! It will help you on the mission decision;)
